Provide guidelines for course and coursework remediation.
PAR Committee – Professionalism and Academic Review Committee
SADLOA - Senior Associate Dean of Learner Outcomes and Assessment
Throughout all four years, student doctors will complete all required coursework and clinical rotations with passing grades as published in the College Catalog. Student doctors who fail any part of the curriculum may be offered a one-time remediation of the course or rotation.
Student doctors are allowed a maximum of three remediations per academic year with a maximum of two remediations in a semester. The SADLOA determines the eligibility of each student doctor for remediation and communicates the eligibility to the student doctor.
For any student doctor who is offered the opportunity to remediate, the grade for the course or rotation will be marked as “incomplete” until said remediation process. To prepare for the assessment exam, student doctors are to meet with a Learning Specialist. A Learning Specialist will work with the student doctor to create a student doctor success plan. Student doctors remediating a course must complete their success plan as assigned. The success plan will be archived and shared with the members of the Student Success Committee.
Years 1 and 2:
Remediation exams will be held as scheduled in the learning management system’s calendar or course syllabi. If a student doctor successfully completes a remediation, they are considered to have passed the course and a grade of C* will be entered as a final grade. A student doctor who does not successfully complete remediation will receive a grade of F for the course and will be remanded to the PAR Committee.
Years 3 and 4:
If the student doctor successfully remediates a rotation, the student doctor will receive a P*, indicating that the student doctor passed the rotation after remediation. A student doctor who does not successfully complete remediation will receive a grade of F for the rotation and will be remanded to the PAR Committee.
Senior Associate Dean of Learner Outcomes and Assessment
Effective: 7/19/19
Last Reviewed: 3/3/23
Review Requirement: 5 Years