As an educational institution, the Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM) is committed to the academic success of all students. To support retention and graduation rates, a systematic approach to early identification of at-risk students has been developed. The Academic Alert and Intervention process is triggered by performance on exams or a course failure.
PAR Committee - Professionalism and Academic Review Committee
The Learning Specialists will continually review all exam and course grades. Students at ICOM who score below a 75% on the first exam in a systems course, or have failed a course, must enter the intervention process. To initiate this process, each student will be contacted individually to inform them of their requirements for the intervention process. The Learning Specialists will report this contact and intervention to the Student Success Committee and the student’s advisor. Further intervention requirements will be added as needed by the Learning Specialists.
There are three divisions to the academic intervention process, each with specific requirements:
Early Alert
Students who score between 70-75% on the first exam in a systems course are required to meet with
one or more academic support people: faculty, an advisor, a Learning Specialist, a counselor, or someone else who can help with specific challenges. Students must report this meeting to the Learning Specialists.
Students who score below 70% on the first exam in a systems course are required to meet with the Learning Specialists as soon as possible. The Learning Specialists and the student will create a custom Student Success Plan, which will contain interventions to specially address the student’s academic issues.
Any student who fails a course, and has been offered the chance to remediate, is required to meet with the Learning Specialist and the course director. The Learning Specialist and the student will create a custom Student Success Plan, which will contain interventions to specifically address the student’s academic issues. If the student is already on a Student Success Plan, the student and Learning Specialist will meet to discuss revisions to the plan.
Learning Specialists
Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Services
Effective: 7/23/21
Last Reviewed: 3/30/23
Review Requirement: 3 Years