Outline the expectation of student attendance in all courses and laboratory learning environments.
All OMS-I and OMS-II students are required to attend curricular activities as determined by the Course Director and identified in the course schedule in the Learning Management System.
Mandatory activities generally include the following:
- Case-Based Learning: Faculty will present clinical applications of course materials self-studied in advance by the students.
- Biomedical/Anatomical Science Laboratories: Faculty will lead demonstrations and interactive sessions including cadaveric dissection.
- Clinical Skills Laboratories: Faculty will supervise demonstrations and practical training of history and physical examination skills including osteopathic manipulative medicine, and clinical small group activities.
- Team-Based Learning/Alternative Learning Activities: Faculty will supervise students working in small groups to solve various common basic science and clinical challenges.
- Examinations and Quizzes: Assessment sessions including cognitive and psychomotor testing.
- Early Clinical Experience, if assigned: A variety of clinical venues to gain insights into medical practice in the community and practice acquired skills.
- Mandatory Lectures: Attendance in specific learning sessions may be required at the discretion of the course director. (For example, test reviews or guest lecturers).
- Self-Study: Faculty will review course materials previously assigned for self-study. Students will have the opportunity to engage in an interactive dialogue designed to foster explanation and clarification of critical concepts.
Excused absences will be granted at the discretion of the Course Director as outlined in the syllabus for each course. Students who are absent from any assessment activities and have not been excused may not be offered the opportunity to remediate that assessment. Absence from any required activity without obtaining an excused absence may result in a finding of non-professional conduct. Other penalties for unexcused absences from required activities will be defined in the course syllabus.
Students are expected to be on time for all sessions of each course in which they are enrolled. For an excused absence, students must provide the Course Director with signed and dated documentation. Unexcused absences may result in lowered grades, administrative withdrawal from the course, or a failing grade. To assist the college in complying with federal regulations pertaining to the distribution of Title IV financial aid, a student’s attendance is confirmed at the start of each semester prior to aid being distributed. If a student withdraws, fails a course, or otherwise does not attend the full period of enrollment, this may result in a return of federal funds on the student’s behalf. ICOM faculty are asked to report the student's last date of academic activity/last date of attendance in cases of withdrawal, failure of a course, or when a student does not attend the full semester.
Students in third and fourth-year rotations will need to abide by the additional attendance requirements described in the ICOM Clinical Clerkship Guide and Rotation Manual.
Associate/Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs
Effective: 8/20/19
Last Reviewed: 3/30/23
Review Requirement: 3 Years