This policy defines withdrawal, dismissal, and leave of absence and sets parameters for each as required by the academic program and financial aid regulations.
Withdrawal - Student doctor Initiated, with Plan to Return
Student doctor requests a temporary withdrawal from formal coursework for personal reasons that is approved by the Dean. The request would suggest a date of return.
Withdrawal – Administrative, with Plan to Return
The institution imposes a temporary withdrawal from formal coursework due to professionalism issues, academic deficiencies, or failure to pass licensure examinations. The duration of the withdrawal will be determined by the Professionalism and Academic Review (PAR) Committee and approved by the Dean.
Withdrawal - Student doctor Initiated, Permanent
Student doctor requests a permanent withdrawal and separation from the institution for personal reasons.
Dismissal – Administrative, Permanent
The institution imposes a permanent withdrawal or dismissal due to academic or professionalism issues. Such an administrative action would generally be decided by the PAR Committee and approved by the Dean.
Leave of Absence
Student doctor-initiated withdrawal from coursework or clinical rotations with a reasonable expectation of return within the same semester. An official Leave of Absence cannot exceed 180 days within a 12-month period. This applies only to student doctors in the clinical training years.
Military Leave
A withdrawal or leave of absence related to a student doctor being called to active military duty or a student doctor whose military reserve obligations require a period of absence from the academic program. Student Doctors called to active military service will receive a W for all courses that have not been completed.
PAR Committee
Professionalism and Academic Review Committee
WF – Withdraw Failing
If a student doctor is failing a course(s) that has not concluded at the time the withdrawal with intent to return is filed, a WF is recorded on the transcript. Please note: If the student doctor is failing a completed course(s) for which a final grade has not yet been posted at the time the withdrawal with intent to return is filed, the grade earned, an F, will be represented on the transcript.
A temporary or permanent cessation of attendance and/or enrollment may be initiated by the student doctor or may be imposed by the institution. Withdrawal from formal academic activities constitutes a separation of the student doctor from the institution and must fall into one of the categories defined above. The following further describes the implications and special circumstances related to each of the defined categories:
Withdrawal or Leave for Medical Reasons
In the event of a medical withdrawal or leave, with intent to return, the student doctor may be asked to meet with the Senior Associate Dean of Learner Outcomes and Assessment to discuss how a medical leave will affect their progress in the academic program and to review options available to them. The amount of time requested will be established on a case-by-case basis.
All medical leaves must be verified by signed and dated documentation from a treating physician/specialist physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist, including a diagnosis and a statement explaining why the student doctor cannot continue with his/her coursework. Additional signed and dated documentation from the treating physician/specialist physician, psychiatrist or psychologist stating that the student doctor is medically capable of returning to classes, must be submitted to the Senior Associate Dean for Learner Outcomes and Assessment and the Office of the Registrar prior to return.
Military Called to Active Duty
ICOM is committed to supporting student doctors called to active military duty and student doctors whose military reserve obligations may require a period of absence from the academic program. Student doctors called to active duty will be considered on Military Leave. Student doctors called to military duty should immediately notify the Associate Dean of Student Services and provide their pertinent call-up orders.
Readmission is guaranteed pending proof of compliance with the minimal technical standards and the Honor Code. Student doctors returning to ICOM from military duty will be eligible for reinstatement as full-time ICOM student doctors once they have notified the Dean and have supplied any pertinent military documentation.
If the student doctor returns within five years, they will be placed in the curriculum as close to their current position as possible to provide them the appropriate continuum in the curriculum and the opportunity to be successful, competent, and able to sit for their board exams.
The Senior Associate Dean of Learner Outcomes and Assessment and Assistant or Associate Deans will meet with the individual student doctor to determine the appropriate curriculum to be completed in the remainder of the degree program. Student doctors returning to ICOM will be reinstated as close as possible to the previous point of progress in the clinical experience.
Student Doctors called to active military service will be released from all institutional financial responsibilities (mandatory tuition and fees) for their current term of enrollment. Additionally, they will receive a W for all courses that have not been completed regardless of their current grade status in the course.
Grade Assignment
When a withdrawal is approved following the end of an academic term, the transcript will reflect the final grades earned in all classes. If a withdrawal occurs in the middle of an academic term, courses that have already been completed and scored will be listed on the transcript with the grades earned. If the withdrawal is administrative, the PAR Committee will determine if any completed and failed courses may be remediated. Any courses not completed at the time of the withdrawal will be listed on the transcript as “Withdrawn” or “Withdrawn Failing” if the student doctor is failing the course at that time.
Student doctors who request a student doctor-Initiated Withdrawal with plan to return are not eligible to remediate courses completed and failed during that term.
Prior to processing the Change of Status form for a Withdrawal with Intent to Return, the PAR Committee will review the student doctor’s grades and current course performance. If the student doctor elects to withdraw with intent to return after the end of the first block of the semester, the PAR Committee may consider a WF as a failed course for academic progress review purposes. Any grade of F or WF will require the student doctor to appear before the PAR Committee for adjudication of the F and/or WF grades.
When the student doctor returns to the program and repeats courses, both the original grade (or “Withdrawn” notation) and the repeated grade will be listed on the transcript.
Documentation Associated with Withdrawals and Leave of Absence:
To withdraw officially from the Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine during a semester, a student doctor is required to complete an official Change of Status Form available from the Office of the Registrar. The Change of Status form must be initiated with the Office of the Registrar. Once the proper signatures are obtained the form is returned to the Office of the Registrar. A copy of the completed form will be placed in the student doctor’s permanent file. Upon completion of the Change of Status form, the ICOM Office of the Registrar updates class registration as a withdrawal from the Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine noting the last day of attendance.
ICOM’s Department of Finance and Administration (Business Office) along with the Office of Financial Aid receives verification that all classes have been updated accordingly and then reassesses student doctor tuition and fee charges and aid earned. Note: The withdrawal date will be utilized to determine earned aid and the required return of federal loan and/or other loan funds as well as any funds from other federal assistance programs or non-government aid source. Per federal regulations, any unearned aid must be returned by ICOM to the federal aid programs and therefore creates a balance that the student doctor must pay to ICOM.
Refunds/credits for Withdrawals and Leave of Absences
No refunds for tuition and fees are granted after the third week of classes in each term.
Student doctors will be responsible for paying tuition and fees for any academic term during which they participate in academic activities including courses and clinical rotations. During the preclinical years of instruction (prior to the beginning of clinical rotations), no credit will be given for payments made for prior academic terms that were not completed due to Withdrawal or Leave of Absence.
Any ICOM student who has matriculated, and who subsequently (voluntarily or involuntarily) cancels, withdraws, is suspended, placed on leave, or dismissed, may receive a refund of tuition and annual fees charged for the current term-through the first three weeks of classes ONLY. This is based on the “Withdrawal Tuition Refund Schedule” set forth below. The percentage of tuition and fees refunded to the student depends upon the time of the withdrawal
When Withdrawal occurs: | Percentage Refunded |
From start of Classes Through end of First Week | 100% |
From end of First Week Through End of Second Week | 50% |
From end of Second Week Through End of Third Week | 25% |
After End of Third Week | 0% |
Credit for Rotations Completed During Clinical Training Years
There are no refunds for tuition and fees granted after the third week of instruction in the clinical training years. If a student doctor withdraws prior to the third week, the above schedule will apply. At the discretion of the Dean, a student doctor may receive a tuition credit for rotations completed and passed during the clinical training years. This credit may only be applied to future tuition and fees at ICOM if the student doctor is approved to return to instruction at ICOM. The credit is not refundable or payable to the student doctor and can only be utilized to offset future ICOM tuition and fees.
Credit of Tuition and Fees during the Clinical Training Years is based on the following schedule:
Period | Percentage Credited |
Withdrawal before completion of two four-week clinical courses or rotations (including Clinical Preparation and any virtual rotations) | 75% |
Completion of 2 rotations | 50% |
Completion of 3 rotations | 25% |
Completion of 4 or more rotations | 0% |
ICOM’s Department of Finance and Administration will determine the amount (if any) of refunded or credited tuition and fees.
Financial Aid
ICOM’s Office of Financial Aid will determine the amount of aid the student doctor has earned for the semester from all sources and make adjustments as required.
Once ICOM has approval to disburse Title IV Federal Funds ICOM will adhere to federal regulations regarding the Return of Title IV Funding. Under these regulations, when a student doctor does not attend the entire period or does not successfully complete all of their coursework, the U.S. Department of Education requires ICOM to determine the amount of earned and unearned Title IV aid. ICOM determines these amounts by performing a calculation using the date the student doctor ceased attendance as well as the days in the enrollment period. This calculation provides the amount of aid earned up through the date of withdrawal and the amount of unearned aid that is required to be returned. Amounts required to be returned to the U.S. Department of Education by ICOM become debts immediately due to ICOM. The debt resulting from the return calculation will be billed directly to the student doctor and must be paid to ICOM. The student doctor MUST make prompt payment or payment arrangements to satisfy the debt owed to ICOM. ICOM reserves the right to refer the debt to a collection agency. Amounts returned by ICOM to the U.S. Department of Education on the student doctor’s behalf are based on a federal regulated calculation of earned aid and are not negotiable.
All other sources of aid will follow the guidelines as outlined by the fund provider. Please refer to the individual guidelines for these awards.
Return from Withdrawal and Leave of Absence:
Student doctors who are granted a Withdrawal or a Leave of Absence with the ability to return will be counseled regarding the return policy at the time the paperwork is completed for the change of status.
During the counseling, the student doctor will be advised when they are to contact the Office of the Registrar to initiate and submit a Petition for Readmission form. To ensure timely processing of the requirements for returning to ICOM, the student doctor is required to submit the petition at least 60 days prior to the expected return date. The completed form is returned to the Office of the Registrar, who then forwards the form to the Dean/Chief Academic Officer for signature for final approval to return.
Once the final approval to return is granted by the Dean, the Office of the Registrar will work with the various departments of ICOM to reinstate the appropriate access for the student doctor to complete prior to returning to coursework at ICOM. If not completed in the last 12 months or not up to date, the student doctor must submit drug test results, vaccination record, and background check. The student doctor must meet with the Office of Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar for schedule & ICOM issued items (such as iPad, etc. if items were collected upon the withdrawal or leave). Failure to complete any of these may delay the student doctor returning to ICOM.
If for any reason the results of the drug testing or criminal background check show any abnormalities or new offenses, the Dean will be informed and the decision to return may be denied.
Student doctors who do not return on the approved date or otherwise do not fulfill all the requirements for return will need to re-apply through AACOMAS and will not be guaranteed re-admission.
Student doctors who permanently withdraw from ICOM may only seek readmission by reapplying using the standard AACOMAS admission process.
Information Technology and Building Access
Permanent Withdrawal, whether student doctor-initiated or administrative requires the individual to immediately turn in their white coat, identification badge, parking pass and any ICOM owned iPad, computer, or accessory. The e-mail address will be deactivated as will all access to online drives and services. Access to the physical facilities will be prohibited and the individual may no longer enter the campus without express permission from the security team.
Withdrawal with Plan to Return or Leave of Absence, whether student doctor initiated or administrative, requires the student doctor to turn in their white coat and ID badge. However, they will be permitted to retain their parking pass and ICOM owned computing device (iPad, etc.). It is recognized that during this time of separation, ICOM wishes to support the student doctor and improve their chances of succeeding when they do return. As such, these student doctors may continue to use online databases and may contact members of the faculty and staff in support of their future academic success. These student doctors may not represent themselves as an active student doctor in any forum. If a student doctor decides at any time not to return to instruction or they are not approved to return, then they convert to Permanent Withdrawal with the associated forfeiture of their computer and parking pass.
For Withdrawal with Plan to Return or Leave of Absence:
- Student doctor’s Google account will be moved from a ‘classofxx’ state to a ‘withdrawal’ state.
- Email address remains active
- Google Drive and Jumpcloud access to applications and WiFi remains active
- Access to Panopto remains active
- Google groups is disabled
- Access to certain courses in Leo may not be available based on the date of the withdrawal
Upon return from a Withdrawal or Leave of Absence:
- Student doctor’s Google account changed from ‘withdrawal state’ to ‘classofxx’ for appropriate class
- Change student doctor’s device in Management System to the class they are returning to, if different.
- When a course is repeated, only the second attempt of a course will be utilized in the calculation of the GPA. This is true whether the final course grade improves or decreases.
Charges for Extended Academic Programs
Student doctors will be charged for participation in altered or extended academic programs. These charges will consist of an administrative fee, and charges for the portion of curriculum being completed and any additional remediation courses. Most, if not all, of the charges will be based upon the annual Board approved tuition and fees. For student doctors who fail rotations, licensure examinations, or have additional curriculum requirements, which require them to complete a modified degree program to graduate, the Business Office will invoice student doctors participating in these programs for any months extending beyond ICOM’s normal academic program length.
Withdrawal with Intent to Return requests that push the date of program completion past the matriculation to completion time limit of 6 years, will be referred directly to the Dean for review and consideration.
Dean & CAO
Effective: 4/5/22
Last Reviewed: 8/3/23
Review Requirement: 5 Years