To define the relevant training, credentials and experience required of the Dean at ICOM.
ICOM will appoint and employ a full-time Dean who will have the relevant training, credentials and experience for the position as established by ICOM and set forth by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA).
ICOM’s Dean is selected by the President and Chief Executive Officer under the authority granted by the Board of Trustees. The Dean will have satisfied the qualifications required for the position by virtue of having previously served in an academic leadership position for at least five years within the last ten years with demonstrated skills in education, scholarly production, patient care and budgetary management. Specific qualifications required of the Dean include:
- will have graduated from a COCA accredited college with an earned degree of Doctor of Osteopathy or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
- will have attained certification by an AOA or ABMS-recognized specialty board
- will have had an unrestricted license to practice medicine in any jurisdiction and free of disciplinary actions or sanctions while licensed
The Dean serves as the Chief Academic Officer with final authority for the conduct and quality of the osteopathic degree program. The Dean will engage his/her responsibilities as the Chief Academic Officer on a full-time basis and may not accept additional employment outside of the college that may conflict with the time commitments required to carry out the full-time responsibilities.
AVP of Human Resources
Effective: 8/1/21
Last Reviewed: 5/22/23
Review Requirement: 3 Years