ICOM recognizes the importance of promoting and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace but understands that incidents can occur. ICOM maintains workers compensation coverage for its employees.
Injury Reporting and Workers Compensation
Employees who are injured or have any type of laboratory exposure on the job are to report the incident to their supervisor immediately. If medical attention is needed, the employee or supervisor should notify Human Resources as soon as possible to complete the worker’s compensation First Report of Injury form. The form must be submitted to ICOM’s insurer within 10 days of the incident.
If medical attention is needed, based upon the severity of the injury, the employee should go to the nearest emergency room or to a St. Alphonsus Occupational Medicine Clinic, our insurer’s preferred provider. St. Alphonsus Occupational Clinics are located at:
St. Alphonsus Occupational Medicine
6533 Emerald St., Boise, ID 83704
Phone: 208-302-7600
Occ Med hours: M-F 8a-5p
Urgent Care hours: M-F 7a-7p, Sat/Sun 8a-3p
St. Alphonsus Occupational Medicine
3587 S. Federal Way, Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208-302-5300
Occ Med hours: M-F 8a-5p
Urgent Care hours: M-F 8a-8p, Sat/Sun 8a-3p
Workers’ compensation benefits may be paid by the carrier after an employee has been off work for 5 days due to their injury. Workers’ compensation runs concurrently with FMLA and coordinates with other ICOM benefits, such as FTO, PTO and/or disability plans.
Post Injury/Accident Testing
If an employee sustains an injury or accident on the job for which professional medical attention is required, the employee may be subject to a drug screen, to be taken as soon after the injury or accident as possible.
Vice President of Human Resources & Organizational Development
Effective: 8/1/17
Last Reviewed: 5/22/23
Review Requirement: 3 Years