ICOM’s success is dependent upon the trust and confidence we earn from our students, faculty, staff, and the ICOM community. Credibility is gained through meeting our commitments and conducting ourselves in a professional and ethical manner. As such, ICOM expects all faculty, staff, and students to conduct themselves in a manner that strengthens trust and confidence and to take no actions that are counter to ICOM’s mission, obligations, and values.
ICOM faculty, staff, and students are expected to always conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner. Establishing and maintaining the highest concepts of honor and personal integrity are critical in establishing trust and confidence within ICOM and the ICOM community.
Individuals acting on behalf of the College have a general duty to conduct themselves in a manner that will maintain and strengthen trust and confidence in the integrity of the College. ICOM requires those acting on behalf of the College to follow all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and to comply with ICOM policies and requirements of ICOM’s accrediting bodies. When communicating or acting as private persons, faculty, staff, and students are expected to avoid creating the impression of speaking or acting on behalf of ICOM, unless authorized to do so.
Respectful Environment
ICOM commits to an environment of dignity and respect that is free of discrimination and abusive, offensive or harassing behavior. ICOM is committed to ensuring compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 that addresses gender-based discrimination and misconduct, including sexual harassment, see the Title IX policy for more information.
Conflict of Interest
Faculty and staff are expected to avoid any relationship or activity that might impair or give the appearance of impairing their ability to make objective and fair decisions in the performance of their jobs. Employees must disclose any potential conflict of interest, see the Conflict-of-Interest policy for additional information. Faculty, staff and students are to refrain from using ICOM property or information for personal gain. Faculty or staff who fail to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in the spirit of mutual trust, intellectual honesty, and professionalism and shall comply with behaviors outlined in the Student Honor Code policy. Students who fail to meet professionalism standards will be sent to the Professional and Academic Review (PAR) Committee for review.
Chief Legal and Compliance Officer
Effective: 8/27/21
Last Reviewed: 1/25/24
Review Requirement: Annual