ICOM provides an organizational structure to align and relate parts of the organization in a manner that most effectively carries out the school’s mission, vision, strategic goals and objectives. ICOM recognizes the role of the Board of Trustees and standing committees and councils whose work is defined by established bylaws and charters.
In an effort to promote the effective operations of the College, ICOM maintains an organizational structure to define roles and relationships and establishes standing committees and councils to recommend action and propose policies in the functional areas of their jurisdiction.
Organizational StructureICOM maintains an organizational structure that identifies lines of communication and chain of command. The key leadership roles are defined below.
- Board of Trustees:
The Board of Trustees (Board) is an autonomously appointed functioning governing body for ICOM and is represented by a broad range of expertise in education, finance, law, health policy and osteopathic medicine. The Board operates under the Board bylaws and includes subcommittees of the Board whose roles are defined by committee charter.
The Board is responsible for review and approval of ICOM’s mission and strategic plan and has overall responsibility for the financial oversight of the College and for select organizational policies. The Board works closely with the President and Dean in advancing the College and osteopathic medicine. - President & CEO:
The President reports to the Board of Trustees and serves as the Chief Executive Officer. The President retains responsibility for all matters of the College with final decision-making authority subject to the oversight of the Board of Trustees. - Dean & CAO:
The Dean reports to the President and CEO and serves as the Chief Academic Officer for the College. The Dean has full responsibility for academic matters with final decision-making authority subject to the oversight of the President and Board of Trustees. The Dean is provided with the resources and budgetary authority necessary to fulfill his/her responsibilities.
To assist the President and the Dean in carrying out their responsibilities, the College employs Assistant/Associate Deans, officers, and directors, as well as standing committees and councils.
Committees and Councils
ICOM establishes committees and councils, as well as task forces and ad hoc committees to advise the President and Dean. ICOM recognizes seven standing academic committees each with their own bylaws and defined charters. With the Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans and Department Chairs, the Chairs of the seven academic committees form the Academic Leadership Council. Those seven committees include:
- Academic Appointment and Promotions Committee
- Research Committee
- Admissions Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Professionalism and Academic Review (PAR) Committee
- Professional Development Committee
- Student Success Committee
In addition to the seven committees, ICOM recognizes the Faculty Senate which serves as a faculty association where there is a free exchange of ideas that may be presented to the Academic Leadership Council for consideration.
The President’s Council, which includes the Dean, advises the President on the various operational aspects of the College, including academic and clinical affairs, legal and compliance, facilities, finance, human resources, IT, and marketing.
The President and CEO is responsible for the review and coordinated revision with final approval by the Board of Trustees.
Effective: 6/21/21
Last Reviewed: 3/1/23
Review Requirement: