ICOM recognizes that Remote Work may be mutually beneficial to employees and to the College. ICOM supports remote work arrangements that (1) are in the best interest of the College, (2) enable or enhance operational efficiencies, and (3) enhance the productivity of the department and the employee(s).
Remote work arrangements require a collaborative approach with consideration given for such basics as technology, equipment, information security, safety, location, employee wellbeing; and personal considerations when working remote, such as caregiving.
Eligibility for a Remote Work Arrangement
To be eligible for consideration of a remote work arrangement, an employee must be employed for at least one year with no noted performance concerns. Exceptions may be made when insufficient on-campus workspace is available and with prior approval of the Dean or President.
Types of Remote Work Arrangements
There are 2 types of regular remote work arrangements:
- Regular remote schedule – this could be 100% remote or partially remote (hybrid schedule). An example of hybrid may be 3 days on campus and 2 days from home or another location. A regular remote schedule requires the completion of the Remote Work Assessment and Agreement, to be retained in the employee’s personnel file.
- Temporary remote schedule – this is a short-term remote schedule that may be 100% remote or partially remote. An example of a temporary remote schedule might be where an employee works from home 4 days per week for a period of 3 months. A temporary remote schedule is intended to address a short-term need, is limited to no more than 3 months and requires written approval from the supervisor.
ICOM policies and procedures continue to apply to remote work arrangements, remote work arrangements do not alter the employment relationship.
Review of Remote Work Arrangements
Remote work arrangements are reviewed for efficiency and effectiveness periodically, but at least once per year. ICOM, at its discretion, may discontinue a remote work agreement at any time with advance notice of at least 10 working days. Employees who fail to return to campus upon the termination of the remote work arrangement may be subject to discipline and/or dismissal.
An employee may request termination of their remote work arrangement by providing a minimum of 10 working days’ written notice. The request may be denied if there is insufficient workspace available, lack of equipment or supplies to support onsite work, and/or concerns with team dynamics.
Remote Work Locations
A remote work location refers to a setting where an employee performs their job duties and responsibilities outside of the ICOM school or other ICOM office location. In a remote setting, an employee may work from their home, a co-working space, or any other location that is not affiliated with ICOM business.
A remote work location must reside within the United States in order to comply with all federal and state laws, filings, and tax requirements. Out-of-state remote work is discouraged due to complexity of employment laws, tax regulations, data and cybersecurity risks, and other compliance requirements that may exist in other states. Approval for out-of-state remote work locations is considered on a case-by-case basis. Employees may be required to be on campus for certain meetings, events, or other activities.
Workspace Considerations
In a fully remote or hybrid work arrangement, there are a number of workspace issues to be considered:
- Designated Workspace - ICOM will provide an employee computer equipment deemed necessary, e.g. laptop, to complete work responsibilities at the location where the employee spends the majority of their work schedule. If an employee works regularly on-campus for the majority of the week, e.g. 3 days per week for the full school year, ICOM will provide a space with equipment and supplies. For employees who work remotely the majority of the week or who do not work at least 3 days on-campus for most work weeks, a shared workspace while on campus may be considered.
- Security and Safety – Employees who work remotely are expected to ensure continued protection of ICOM information, in compliance with ICOM policy and federal regulations. Remote employees are required, at their own expense, to maintain safe conditions in their work area and maintain adequate homeowners, renters, or commercial general liability insurance. Any work-related incidents or injuries should be reported in the normal manner.
- Remote Expenses – ICOM is not responsible for expenses related to working from a remote location. Such expenses include, but is not limited to, worksite furniture, internet service, phone expenses, repair or cost of an employee’s personal equipment, utilities, property insurance or other incidental expenses. ICOM is not liable for damages to the employee's property that may result from participating in remote work. When remote work is at the request of the employee, travel to campus for required meetings, events or other activities is at the expense of the employee.
- Remote Location Meetings – Meetings with students shall not be held in person in a remote employee’s home when conducting ICOM business.
Employees working from remote locations must be accessible by phone and have virtual conferencing capabilities. Supervisors are expected to establish a communication plan to establish team expectations and work to ensure remote workers remain connected to the team.
Hourly Employees
Hourly employees working in a remote work arrangement must accurately report time worked and may not work overtime hours without prior supervisory approval.
ICOM Benefits
All benefits, regardless of remote work locations, will be the same as employees at ICOM unless mandated by the state. Wages will be consistent with the home office.
Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development
Effective: 5/19/23
Last Reviewed: 5/19/23
Review Requirement: 5 Years